I have faced the job-seeking experience from both sides: as a candidate and as a recruiter. In the past, I was the job seeker, completing countless applications and speaking with potential recruiters and employers. Now, as a recruiter myself, I can offer some tips that will hopefully help you overcome the challenges of looking for your dream job.

1. Invest in research beforehand

How much research do you do before buying a new computer, smartphone, or literally anything nowadays? Show the same level of care when choosing a recruiter.

In IT, recruiters frequently specialize in certain industries, areas, or technologies. Look for keywords in job titles, job posts, or articles shared in the recruiter’s profile that match your interests and qualifications.

Research is also key if you are thinking about relocating to a different country. What should you consider? 

  • From a legal perspective, is a visa needed?
  • What are the local language requirements in your industry? Nowadays many companies utilize English as their business language, but that’s not always the case. 
  • How much thought/preparation have you given to the possibility of relocating?

2. Make your CV have an impact

Stand out from the crowd but in a good way! There is no need for crazy colors or illegible fonts. When it comes to CVs, don’t be afraid to ask your recruiter if there is a preferred template or layout – if they know, they’ll tell you.

A strong foundation is a good place to start – craft a CV that is easily updated and adapted depending on the need. Your CV is a potential employer’s first introduction to you – make it count! Here’s how:

  • Read the job description carefully – highlight or emphasize keywords in your CV
  • Utilize bullet points
  • Make sure the information is concise and relevant
  • Stick to one font – both style and size!
  • Determine if you are expected to include a picture on the application
  • Use numbers to highlight your achievements
  • Craft a powerful personal statement – it goes a long way
  • Check your spelling and grammar
  • Ensure the layout of the document is consistent 

3. Transferable skills are more important than you think

Never underestimate the value of life experience. Whether you are completely changing careers or searching for your first job, keep in mind that certain soft skills are invaluable. The number of companies looking for the right "fit” instead of the perfect CV is rising. Remember, hard skills can be taught, soft skills cannot.

So, how do you highlight those soft skills? I recommend adding “key skills” underneath experiences. For example:

Extra-curricular activities:

  • Captain of the football team - High School

Key skills: maintaining communication in stressful situations, teamwork, leadership.

4. Don’t offer Problems – present Solutions

Sometimes life doesn’t go your way. Trust me, it happens to everyone, but how you learn and grow from every experience is what’s important. Be ready to talk about how you grew, whether mentally or spiritually, during that year-long gap. Be prepared to answer questions about jobs at previous companies – role, likes, dislikes. Be ready to give examples of how you’d handle situations that might arise in a workplace such as conflict, pressure, etc.

5. Be honest, it pays off

Always be honest with your recruiter! Recruiters most genuinely want to help you find your next role – the more truthful you are, the better equipped they are to help you.

If your personal situation has changed and you are no longer interested in a job, or if you’ve accepted another job offer (hey, that’s great news!), inform your recruiter so they, in turn, can inform the company. Life changes quickly, but disappearing from the process without an explanation carries repercussions - the recruiter might be reluctant to work with you in the future.

We are here to help and we know how frustrating the job search process can be. The more you help us by being available, responding within a reasonable time, and being transparent, the better your chances of finding your dream job will be!

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